Investment philosophy

Sustainability Policy


Altrafin AG aims to ensure that the companies in which it invests for its clients respect affected stakeholders, as well as society and the environment. At the same time, the focus lies in achieving return targets and protecting our clients’ assets.


Although Altrafin AG, as a Swiss asset manager, is not directly affected by the sustainability-related disclosure requirements of the EU in the financial sector, we have chosen to follow the transparency required regarding strategies for managing sustainability risks and adverse sustainability impacts at the corporate level. We do not intend to advertise environmental or social characteristics in the mandates we manage. We do not have a dedicated ESG strategy and do not take mandatory account of the EU criteria for environmentally sustainable business activities. 


Sustainability risks:
These are environmental, social, or governance events or conditions that may have an actual or potential material adverse effect on the value of an investment. These risks may impact the performance of the mandates managed by Altrafin AG as well as our reputation. 

Sustainability Factors:
These include environmental, social and employee concerns, respect for human rights, and the fight against corruption and bribery.

ESG factors:
These relate to the areas of environment, social affairs, and corporate governance. The environmental area includes topics such as climate protection, resource consumption, and emissions. The social area includes topics such as employees, human rights, community, and product responsibility. The corporate governance area includes topics such as transparency, compensation structure, and anti-corruption.

Strategy on sustainability risks

Altrafin AG does not take ESG factors into account in its investment process. Securities that do not meet our exclusion criteria are screened out. Altrafin always acts in the interest of its clients. Despite the installed process, sustainability risks can influence the development of investments.

Transparency of adverse sustainability impacts

At present, we do not take into account any adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors as the necessary data for this is not available to a sufficient extent. At latest from the date specified in the relevant regulation, we will provide information on whether and how we consider the main adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors. We do not directly exercise voting rights during general meetings of target companies due to the management of different and globally oriented client portfolios. It is currently not possible for us to ensure this exercise of voting rights with reasonable effort. 

Review and update

This sustainability policy is reviewed and updated on an ongoing basis to meet regulatory requirements.